
My Personal Experience - Keira Armijos Salinas

😱  MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE  😮 Keira Armijos Salinas My favorite place in the world is the house of my grandparents in Loja's city. But for arrive to Loja, I have to cross three provinces, and the travel is too long, approximately are nine hours of travel. Last month, in February, I was travel to Loja with my dad and my little sister in our car. I had listened music and eaten a snack.  Suddenly, my dad screamed ¨landslide¨ and braked the car, this happened in Chunchi, my sister and me were scared because it was the first time that we saw this disaster. In front of our eyes, a mountain was collapsing and existed a big noise. The trees, stones and animals were sliding and everything was filled with earth, fortunately we were fine although terrified for all that happened. We had to wait about two hours approximately for tractors to arrive to clean up the stones that was on the road.  I called my mom immediately for telling that we were fine and we would continue with our travel to


                              🎇 ¨ALLIGATORS BAND¨ 🎇 Yesterday, I went to a concert and it was fabulous. The concert was  in a private clube named ¨Dragons Asociation¨ 🐉 located in  Cevallos Avenue, to thirty minutes from my house aproximately. In  the concert there were young and old people and everyone there  enjoyed. Everyone clapped 👏 when played ¨Alligators Band¨ 🐊 , it is a   fantastic band because they play Disco Music with modern styles.  They are from Toronto, Canada, and They sing in three languages:   English, Spanish and French (OMG! 😱 ). The pianist of the band is  very beautiful (I love that man 😍 ) because He has an optimistic  attitude and his black hair is fantastic.  The music of the band is great  because they use new musical genres to make disco music more  moved. I recommend this band to everyone.   Keira Armijos  ♥